The weather in Texas is ever-changing, and it certainly hasn't disappointed this week. We started the week with sun and 60 degree temps, and today we have a dark and gloomy 40 degrees and lots of wind and rain showers. Ohhhh just lovely! Really does nothing to motivate me to move. ~ sigh ~
The week started off with news that a cousin had passed away, so that's emotional and draining. I wish I could say we are a close family, but life has taken us all in different directions and we basically kept up with each other via Facebook. I don't have a lot of extended family members left living, so the emotional aspect for me is the realization that I've lost one more connection to my family or one more connection to my dad, who passed away over 20 years ago. There were only 4 grandchildren on my dad's side of the family and now there are just the 3 of us left. I know we all face our own mortality, but some days my emotions are more raw than others and some days I just wish I could go back about 30 years and do life differently... beginning with staying in touch with family members.
Next up this week, I had my first job interview as a teacher. Let's just say... I have learned a lot about what kinds of questions I will be asked and I have reflected on all of my answers and realized that I need to be better about responding as an educator and less of an office administrator. I'm learning....I'll be much better prepared for the next interview.
I also listened to my gut, and knew when I went into the interview that I was not having those 'warm fuzzy' feelings I should be having if it was the right job for me. As it turns out, I didn't get the job and no one else did either; they decided not to fill the position. So... there it is, a great practice interview that I desperately needed to shake the nerves about my first interview in over 16 years and a better understanding of what answers I need to have to sound like a legit teacher. :)
After driving a total of 6 hours yesterday, to and from the funeral and driving in the nasty rain all day yesterday, I'm just exhausted today. My body is over all of the stress of this week and ready for some holiday fun or maybe just a Hallmark movie or 4? HA HA HA HA
Stay tuned...I'm hoping to finish my Christmas shopping this weekend, with my husband's assistance, so there's bound to be drama or trauma to report on for that! LOL
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