Friday, June 13, 2008


I hope everyone has a great Father's Day Weekend!!!

The girls have planned a fishing/jet ski-ing trip with their dad, hopefully everyone will get along for that amount of time... lol....

**NOW on another note..... This is MY Blog and I can say whatever I want... so here's what I'm going to say to a particular person that bugs the HELL out of me from a particular christain ladies messsage board. YOU BUG ME>>>>>> You're not a very nice christian lady and you think you're holier than most... well let me just tell your happy horse riding butt... YOU'RE OBNOXIOUS! I'm so glad you have found a following of ladies that are too naive to realize that you think you're the first and foremost authority on all of their life's problems. Quit trying to moderate everyone's life! I hope you know who you are, because I'm sure most that read my blog know exactly who I'm speaking of!

And yes, I can use childish and immature antics to get my message to you... because it's MY BLOG and just simply don't like you!!!! I don't have to be nice if I don't want to!!**


Anonymous said...

(((hugs))) Hope you're back to blogging and chatting soon!

I miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy :-)

I know who you are talking about, and can add a few to that how childish is that???!


Vintage Chicken said...

LOL... I'm glad I'm not the only one that is completeley bugged by a few choice members! LOL

Nicole said...

No, you are not! I'm right there with you and than some. Honestly, there are people who make me question why I bother there.

Anonymous said...

How true...I pretty much bothered for the people who are now at the "new location" what am I doing there getting irritated??!

Vintage Chicken said...

That is exactly how I feel... why do I even bother!

It seems as though there are two specific members that rule the roost and if you don't agree, then you better not dare complain - they will bash you - openly and then suddenly close the thread! UGH!!! I could go on and on....

My time there is quite limited and I am pretty much non-existent as far as anyone there is concerned. Which is ok, by me!

Anonymous said...

I unfortunately missed the tail end of the thread, but I can use my imagination and previous experiences!

I just find it curious that someone can openly address someone else, but when the comments point back to "her" she freaks! I have NO problem with how other people do things, but how can someone begin to think that their way is the only way? Amy you have 3 of your own, and you don't use the same "technique" on all of them, do you?! Nor the same "technique" all the time? Not to mention, this case in particular, I have no idea how it came to be something that had nothing to do with the original topic!

I guess I bother because some of it is that "train wreck" thing, kind of perverse, I know, but sociologically I am fascinated by some of what happens over there!

Vintage Chicken said...

ROFL.... Oh Kris... I'm all about a train wreck too!!!

And no, I have three very different children and they require very different parenting sytles...

It's just amazing how stupid some people really are! LOL


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