It all started with this dish... one single dish....

It just so happened that I was at my grandmother's house a couple of years ago while she was doing some cleaning out of her kitchen cabinets. Well being the nosy granddaughter that I always was, I started snooping around and found her set of three 'Daisy Pyrex' dishes. Immediately she asked if I wanted them? Well of course I wanted them? Do you have any idea how many meals she served in those near perfect condition bowls? I vividly remember having banana pudding out of them, her ever loved 'Nan-Naw Beans' from the garden, tomato/okra gumbo... the list just goes on. These dished are always in my mind of 'Nan-Naw memories' and still are, as I use them ever so gently in my own home.
Just this week, I pulled out the big yellow bowl and served my all time favorite comfort food - ground meat/noodles! Yea... I know... not an original name, but most will recognize it as homemade hamburger helper.
Life is good when I can have my comfort food served in my Nan-Naw dish! I'm sure I will continue to miss her daily, but there is hardly ever a meal served in our house that I don't use one of her dishes or some other kitchen utensil that she handed down to me, probably thinking I would just chunk it! :) The fact of the matter is that those are the prized possessions in my kitchen and now look at what she's done - I've turned into a Pyrex Junkie and can't get enough.
Oh and never think for a moment that I've forgotten about the Pyrex nesting bowls in the Butterprint pattern that my own mother is hoarding in her kitchen cabinets!!! This woman never cooks and certainly doesn't use these mixing bowls any longer, but do you think she would let me have them... not on your life! Well.. not yet anyway! (ha ha ha) I've taken inventory - I know what's there... don't think I won't keep my eye on them!
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