Monday, June 30, 2008

Briley has an announcement!!!

She proudly walked out of her room this weekend, as if she has just had a life changing epiphany and announced that she was no longer a baby and we needed to re-do her room to look like a big girl! I asked her just what she had in mind? Her reply was that she wanted black walls with hot pink polka dots! My reply, "UH... NO!!!".

Never fear, we did make some headway on de-babying (I realize that's not a word) her bedroom. After only 2 large black trash bags of JUNK and a box of baby books that are headed to Half-Price Books, we have a cleaned out her bedroom with no signs of a baby living there! Or at least she is happy with it, so far? We took out the Fisher Price Doll House and accessories, the Fisher Price Tea Set and cart, the Stuffed Animals that were just a huge mess anyway, and we took out the basket of baby dolls, doll clothes, and all that kind of junk! All of these 'baby' items as Briley refers to them, were moved to their new home in the attic. Now, Dad was not exactly pleased by this cluttering of 'his' space, but oh well? When you gotta de-babyfy the room, the junks gotta go somewhere else? Ya' know?

Now she and I are trying to find 'big girl' items to use to decorate her walls. Last night I decoupaged some wooden letters that spell out her name using torn pieces of scrapbook paper. I think they look pretty cute too... if I do say so myself! (Which by the way, JOANN's has their paper on sale for $0.16 a sheet!!!!) I will try to remember to get pics of them when I get them hung on her wall. We also added a new bulletin board for her to hang her artwork on, as the fridge is just getting too cramped to add more of her 'Briley Originals'. LOL

Ahhh... yet another stage in our lives that is over! No more babies living in our house. No little girl toys and tea parties....As sad as it is, I am just as excited that we are moving on with getting older and less dependant on ME! Ya' know? LOL

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