Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday Product Review

So this week, I'm sorta wanting to work on my weight and poor diet choices - but we all know that this new effort will most likely be short lived and I probably won't lose any weight - so why even bother? Right?
I know, I know.... I always start out with great ideas, but the follow through really stinks! LOL

Irregardless, I tried a new weight loss/diet product and thought maybe someone could benefit from my limited experience.

I tried the milk chocolate protein shake - not too bad! I am not much of a chocolate fan, but the thought of vanilla or strawberry makes me sick to my stomach and even less interested - so chocolate it is.

The texture is good, the flavor is good, and the amount of protein and fiber is also good. The thickness of this drink isn't so great? I mean... it's not so thin that you think you're drinking colored water and it's not quite as thick and creamy as drinking Slim Fast. I guess I like something a little thicker to trick my mind into thinking I'm actually consuming something of substance, but this is definitely going to be a product that I will buy and stock in our fridge for a quick grab-n-go snack or mid-morning breakfast. I'm sure the girls will enjoy it also - they've been drinking the Slim Fast can drinks for many years now.

Another feature that I really like is the type of container it comes in and the screw on cap! GREAT IDEA!!

The only odd thing I noticed is that immediately after drinking it, I was incredible cotton-mouth and thirsty? I'm not sure why that is. I'm not complaining - I need to drink more water anyway?

So there you go - This is a THUMBS UP product. (In my opinion - for whatever that's worth?)

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